29 November 2006

My 3H - What it means

3H stands for Health Happiness & Heaven.

This Blog is dedicated to the exploration, sharing, and learning of all things that could positively contribute to our health, our happiness, and hopefully to leading us to the heavens.

I have not put in any word beginning with 'H' that means wealth or money. Simply because I despise the modern trappings of money (and how the nominal value of money is continuously eroded). Besides I couldn't think of one anyway.

And I feel that Wealth or Money is useless if one cannot attain or enjoy or strive towards achieving the 3H. And the first two H's are for the purpose of ensuring we are continuously reminded of the gifts of the Omnipotent Almighty, the Creator. Have we not seen disrupted and crumbling lives as Health leaves a person? Happiness and the meaning of living begin to dissipate when one is no longer healthy. At this juncture, those who believe in the life hereafter, would begin to look up to the heavens. It's not about being immortal and prolonging one's stay on Earth. Look around you - new becomes old, pretty becomes crinkled, strong becomes weaker, the Sun loses its power of heating up the Earth and its surrounds. We will grow old and die. Period.

But we need to be healthy all the time, especially during an age when we are supposed to be productive. For the very reason that money has entrapped us, we must therefore outsmart the system into working the way that gives us a greater return to our time and our effort. Money will then not become our master.

Let us look, again, at the concept of network marketing business. Is it so negative and difficult? It is if we are resigned to defeat. Major corporations now use this system to penetrate the market at lower costs. To them: It provides an avenue of selling that require no employees and costs associated to employing people, no office costs, and no mis-allocated inventory.

I was very negative about it once, perhaps due to the hard-sell nature of the earlier MLM. With the advent of internet, it reduces greatly the need for an uncomfortable sales-pitching face-to-face experience of the new up-starts. Now, you and me and a thousand others have the chance to make it - if you know the techniques, practice, and always practice. And if you start the ball rolling NOW.

If you are convinced there is a way to make more money through quality time and energy and get out of what I termed as Human Capital Enslavement, then why wait.

Or would you prefer to retire at 55, banking on your retirement savings, that turned to be inadequate and later to discover you need them to support your dialysis treatments or send your children to med school? And then regretting for not taking that opportunity you had 10 years ago when you were 45 as you realized a colleague of yours who dared is now able to travel to exotic places every few months, send his children to the best schools, and most importantly remains ever healthy and happy!

Please give this a thought.

I also welcome your honest critique and contribution towards making My3H into a community-serving site.

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